Rahman Hak-Hagir, Nathalie Yacob – SMOG (2017)
„A performative spur to greater ambition.“
Video Performance | 1920p | HD | 3:57 min.
According to a recent research of the Global Burden of Disease project more than 5.5 million people worldwide are dying prematurely as a result of air pollution – every year.
Most of these deaths are occurring in the rapidly developing economies of China and India. These numbers do not include the death toll caused by water, soil, sea and other environmental pollution factors
Nathalie YACOB
Concept & Art-Direction:
9th of May, 2017
Vienna, Austria | EU

Rahman Hak-Hagir, Nathalie Jacob – SMOG (2017) | VIDEO STILL
„A performative spur to greater ambition.“