RAHMAN HAK-HAGIR (May 15, 1972) is an Austrian born Vienna based half-afghan conceptual and performance artist who began his career in 1990. Active for two decades in varied fields of art, his work is recently focussing on the conflicting priorities between individual and social environment.
RAHMAN HAK-HAGIR (15 mai 1972) est un artiste conceptuel et la performance d’origine autrichienne basée à Vienne demi-afghan. Actif depuis deux décennies dans des domaines variés de l’art, son travail est récemment concentre sur le conflit priorités entre l‘ environnement individuel et social.
RAHMAN HAK-HAGIR (15 Maggio 1972) è un performer e artista concettuale austro afgano che vive e lavora a Vienna. Inizia la sua carriera nel 1990. Attivo da due decadi in vari settori dell’arte, la sua ricerca recentemente si focalizza sulle priorità conflittuali esistenti tra ambiente individuale e sociale.
Alina Ferrufino – 15 Minutes talk with Rahman Hak-Hagir | KaukasusTV | OKTO | 2020 | Subtitles
KUNST UND KIRCHE 4.2018 / Global • Lokal • Glokal:
WHAT WE ARE. Selbst- und Fremdbilder im Kontext der ‚Glokalisierung‘
Ein Gespräch mit Rahman Hak-Hagir
LINK: ARTICULATE #5 | Online-Version
Pages: 46, full color / Published: Oct 2015
Dimensions: 210 mm × 297 mm / Weight: 240 g
Binding: softcover / magazine (A4)
Languages: English / Edition: free online version, print on demand
TRANSMIGRATION – „About moving from one place to another.“ – Video-Performance (2016)
#viennadesignweek #stadtarbeit
SELEKTION – „A Performative View on the Nature of Human Behavior.“ / Video-Documentation / 59 Min.
#museumambach #carynthia #austria
„It was always the privilege of comedians to illuminate the king and his court by messages camouflaged behind clues and symbols. My conceptual and performative work contributes to all these anonymous jesters who served social evolution and human cohesion across history.“
„Il privilegio degli attori è sempre stato quello di illuminare il Re e la sua corte con messaggi ed indizi nascosti dietro simboli. La mia ricerca concettuale attraverso la fotografia e la performance vuole essere il prosieguo del lavoro di questi anonimi giullari che, attraverso la storia, hanno contribuito all’evoluzione sociale ed alla coesione umana.“
Rahman Hak-Hagir & Francesca Lolli …
performing HOW TO NOT HIT AN EGG live at WOMADE 2014, Milan (ITALY)
Time is Love 2014 – curated by Kisito Assangni – features Rahman Hak-Hagir CRITICISM. „Since 2008 the project has been exploring forms of artistic expression rising from society and the new media’s use of technology.“
Have you met Rahman Hak-Hagir? „An introduction can be a wonderful thing. I’d like
to introduce you to some of my favorite artists. Some of whom I’ve been familiar with for years, and others I’ve only recently been introduced to.“ – Stephen B. MacInnis, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (2013)

ART & MORE Magazine (Milano) featuring articles from Austrian artist Rahman Hak-Hagir and art historican Katleen Luger in their January 2014 Print Issue. Front page story: THE WAR OF ART „How polictical artists use social networks as weapons of mass construction.“ by Rahman Hak-Hagir.
Rahman Hak-Hagir – The Artist.
A Video Interview by Stefan Wolner.
English subtitles: Jarod George Bardon
An introducion.
Vienna, 15th Oct. 2013
28th Sept. 2013, Armada, Michigan (USA)
DOCUMENTA USA hosted by Jerry Saltz
The Detroit Dollar, The Detroit Elevator
The Detroit Dollar Manifesto
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